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Accounting and financial reset for the Cabinet Office

Written by Moore Insight | Jul 8, 2024 1:49:05 PM
The customer

Cabinet Office is responsible for safeguarding national security, handling crises effectively, ensuring policies are implemented efficiently, and protecting our country from cyber threats.

It strives to enhance government operations through innovation and technology, support political and constitutional transformations, and maintain a proficient and effective Civil Service.

The challenges

Numerous deficiencies were found in the financial structures and systems of the Cabinet Office, hindering their ability to report financial information accurately and in a timely manner. The delays in finalising the 2002-2003 annual accounts resulted in an audit opinion disclaimer, leading to a subsequent hearing by the Public Accounts Committee.


The solution

In order to prevent a repeat occurrence, we were tasked to improve the Cabinet Office's systems and processes and provide support in financial management.

By utilising standardised tools and methodologies, we identified financial responsibilities, created financial service level agreements and memoranda of understanding, established balance sheet control points, and reviewed financial processes within the Cabinet Office.

Additionally, we strengthened the e-POP purchase ordering system, automated accounts interfaces to streamline reporting, restructured the SunAccounts and e-POP systems, implemented a new financial scrutiny process and accounting timetable, conducted regular account reviews, redesigned SunAccounts ledgers and interfaces, and developed new financial reports.

The result

We helped the Cabinet Office lay their 2004-05 annual accounts before the Parliament, before the Summer recess. With a clean bill of health, the Cabinet Office met the Treasury’s Faster Closure timetable, one year ahead of schedule.

“Moore Insight provided professional, high quality services and consistently fostered first rate working relationship with Cabinet Office staff” - Jerry Page, Former Finance Director, Cabinet Office.